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» RIP Oscar Peterson
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» A new CES 2010 loudspeak»
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Audio Knowledge Tree - hierarchical collection of Club's audio content. Click a subject to expand articles
Analog source and analog related accessories
 Turntables (8)
 Tonearms (9)
 Cartridges (14)
 Analog set-up (5)
 Accessories (2)
 Phonostages (18)
 Step-up transformers (1)
 Tuners (6)
 Tape machines (2)
Digital source and digital related tools
 Transports-Players (17)
 D-A Processors (18)
 Recorders, A-D Processors (14)
Line-level and power electronics
 Line-level Amplifier (13)
 Power Amplifier (49)
 “Harmonic Speed”- friend of foe?
 “Zarathustra II” amplifier
 “Zarathustra” amplifier: loosing of virginity.
 A new amplifier from Audio Note.
 A quest for a better SET.
 About DSET-driven multi-way acoustic system maintenance assessment.
 About the pre-warming of playback
 An amplifier for Tweeters
 An ultimate HF output transformer?
 Anatoly Manakov 6E5P - 6C33C SET
 CES: the best worst amplifier-WAVAC
 Class “D” amplifiers and the Audio Industry
 DHT vs. IDHT experiment
 DSET is NOT a SET in context of this conversation.
 Further comments about the Lamm ML3
 Initial thoughts about new/old Lamm ML2s
 Lamm Industries: a special interview with a special company
 Lamm ML2.1 survival guide.
 Lamm ML2: 6N6P vs. 5687
 Lamm ML3 SET
 Macondo – Super Melquiades: few months later.
 Melquiades Input Choke and Power Factor
 Melquiades: too early for a verdict?
 More to the Melquiades release notes.
 Moscode 401HR amplifier
 One of many advantages of multi-amping.
 Out-impedance and "bass"
 SET and speakers: disregard Volume
 Single Ended Triode distortions....
 Small SET’s bass, besides everything- is it about power?
 Some thoughts about transformer for my MF channel.
 Some thoughts on amplifier - speaker interfacing
 Super Melquiades Amplifier.
 Tenor 350M amplifier
 The “art” of multi-amping?
 The “Melquíades” début.
 The “Melquiades” Sound - beginning of the story.
 The David Berning amplifiers
 The DSET perspective examines the Herb Reichert article.
 The Krell’s cursed Sound: 25 yeas and counting….
 The one-stage Melquiades.
 The single-ended pretense.
 The single-ended pretense.
 Thomas Mayer’s Triamp
 Thorsten Loesch’s article about DHT SETs
 Thoughts about Lamm ML2 SET
 To Melquiades builders: corrections, simplification, modifications.
 Training amplifiers
 "Zaratustra II" to drive Macondo’s bass?
 Crossovers (7)
 Vacuum tubes (58)
Acoustic system and listening room
 Horn loaded (160)
 Boxed (34)
 A quest for a better monitor.
 About the largest Wilson Audio Loudspeakers
 About vowelness and bubbleness of Sound
 Another reasonable article about Wilsons and more....
 Bass from a vented box...
 Bass Horn vs. Sealed Enclosures.
 Celestion SL-600
 Constructing LF modules to the limits
 Do not use your tube amps with SL600!
 Enabled Lowther drivers
 Exceptional loudspeakers drivers: 10-inchers
 Exceptional loudspeakers drivers: 18-inchers
 Focal Utopia TN51
 Hørning prøblems.
 How to USE “Resonating Oops” in loudspeakers
 Kharma Loudspeakers reach further!!!
 Kharma Speakers as pH-indicator of the worst in Audio.
 Lowther Driver
 Magico Mini or Jonathan Valin maxi?
 Magico Model 6 loudspeakers.
 McCauley vs. Aura bass drivers
 NOhorn channel for “the melody range”.
 Notch filters remedy - the the ultimate illusion
 Observations and Thoughts from the Rocky Mountain Audio Fest
 SET and speakers: disregard Volume
 Speakers: a hi-fi disaster.
 Superior Electric binding posts...
 Tannoy Red 1960s: some sober reality
 The leather-suspended drivers.
 The sound compromises of high efficiency direct radiators.
 Truth stretch out via Feastrex prism.
 Understanding Line Array Systems
 What the “genius” did: the Injection Channel
 Where tone in Bass comes from.
 Opened baffle (8)
 Speakers setup (27)
 Listening Rooms (17)
Secondary audio devises and trivial Gizmos
 Cables (7)
 Power lines and supplies (10)
Listening Practice
 Evaluation methods (70)
 “How audio might sound”
 +1dB effect form basshorn.
 A new 'chic' foolishness about mono systems
 About a "consciousness of a playback system"
 About Darwinism of Music and audio assessments.
 About DSET-driven multi-way acoustic system maintenance assessment.
 About my listening habits.
 About Stupid Dynamic
 About the “beauty” of digital crossovers.
 About the Audio Neutrality.
 About the mysery of audio DIY enthusiasm
 About the tweeters phase alignment.
 About TTH characteristic in Audio
 About vowelness and bubbleness of Sound
 Absolutely Transparent Stage and Audio Events
 An important thing about listening practice
 Are You On the Road to Audio Hell?
 Audio and Music: four levels of unity and separation or…
 Audio critique – open your mind!
 Audio must not use none-presentational evidences
 Color Theory 101
 Critique audio performance before acquire a new element.
 DBT - a signature of listening ignorance
 Deficiency of a sensible attitude in playback.
 Do not “compare” audio equipment.
 Do not pursue full-range without being ready.
 Don't evaluate audio by sound of "live" music.
 Further guidelines for Audio Neutrality...
 Goals of audio
 Here is where the key of High End
 High End Audio and musical content.
 How to build the best audio payback
 How to evaluate playback... or the Six-Leveled-Listening Benefits™
 I would shade some light about “abstract audio”
 Immediate Gratification by Surrogate Sonic Effects
 It is imposable to “hear distortions”.
 Learn to listen your listening rooms
 Macondo and not only Macondo positioning
 Matching audio to music: false
 Melquiades: too early for a verdict?
 My Audio Reviewing agenda.
 My old Fi-Hi gear associations...
 Naturally suck-sounding playback or Karaoke Playback Assessment
 Out-impedance and "bass"
 Playback evaluations made easy.
 Position your speakers anal-retentively.
 SET and speakers: disregard Volume
 Some explanations about "Engineering of Audio"
 Soundstage vs. spatial reconstruction via Soundstage’s inner-dynamic.
 Speakers: a hi-fi disaster.
 The “absolute tone” in drivers
 The “Implied Sound” in Audio.
 The “Inverted High End” ™
 The Active High Frequency Solution - AHFS
 The best audio system: my secrets are partially out.
 The corrupted listening culture.
 The nature of "soundstage" in audio.
 The realty of UHF and LF relation
 The Sound and How We Hear It
 The sound that could not be "sold".
 The trade show listening rules.
 The unintended consequences of the binaural things in Hi-Fi.
 Time Alignment : Live Performances vs Audio
 Upper-Sound of Upper-Importance
 Use absolute polarity as an early speakers test.
 Verify that you sources do not underperform.
 What does make a playback to stop?
 What you loose about tweeters...
 Why I hate the “Japanese Sound”
 You should expect to hear just the music
 Collection Organization (5)

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All messages within the Site’s Forum Copyright © by authors of the posts
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